Saturday, August 10, 2013

Everyone wishes for a better, luxurious life whether he is rich or poor (obvious!).  This wishing is called Desire. Everyone desires for something, it is human nature. A poor person desires for money and food for his family, a rich person desires for more wealth, a monk desires for peace in the world, I desire for all of you reading this blog implement the following ideals in life, Some people desire for luxury cars, Some desire for expensive and beautiful dresses, Some desire for new games and consoles, Some desire for promotions, Some desire for winning an award etc.  There is no harm in desiring for things (every person desires for something in this planet!)  , You start doing wrong when you develop behaviour of not living without those desired things. You can desire for anything in this world, be it a million dollars, a very nice dress, a very nice video-game but remember to work for them. If you desire for a thing, don’t expect someone else for fulfilling that thing for you, it is only you who should fulfill that wish.
And secondly, desire for a good thing, not killing your enemies! You should desire for something good and not bad.
You should have an optimistic approach towards fulfilling your desires. If in one shot you can’t fulfill it, don’t get depressed, Keep on trying till you get the shot right! Try to be motivated from your surroundings.

Desire is good, but desiring for a thing and thinking that you deserve it at any cost is wrong. You got to believe in your desire and give your best in fulfilling it!